Course Description and Procedures

希望你们上课以前复习或者预习好,你准备得好不好影响你在课堂上的表现,也直接影响到你的学习成绩。You are expected to come to class fully prepared. Your preparation, as reflected in class performance, is a major part of your grade. (Please refer to the syllabus for detailed information about the grading policy of this course.)

在为上课做准备的时候,请一定要听在网络上的听力练习,同时也要准备一个录音机,帮助你练习发音。While preparing for class, make sure to listen to the audio mp3 files online and use a recording device to help you with pronunciation

上课时的工作语言是中文;如果你们有问题用中文说不清楚,可以用英文写下来,以电子邮件的方式寄给老师,或者亲自交给老师。The working language for this advanced language class is Chinese. If you have questions better raised in English, write them down and present them in email or in person.

We expect that certain amount of material to be self-taught, and that the basic language training you have received should enable you to teach yourself about such things as new vocabulary and grammar; it is your responsibility to make sure that you understand what transpires in class and raise questions if you do not. In a way, you need to initiate an approach to the textbooks that makes sense to you. We’ll conduct dictations, assign homeworks, proctor tests as usual to ensure that true learning takes place even if the content of the material may be too easy for one and too difficult for another. So think of this class as a tutorial with more than one person in it, but participate as if you are the only one there so the instruction has to make sense to you. The more you take into your own hand, the higher your chance of doing well in this class.

To ensure some continuity, we’ll adopt the textbooks as follows:

  • 《事事关心:现代汉语高级读本》All Things Considered: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese; 周质平,夏岩,吴妙慧; 普林斯顿大学出版社。 Chou, Chih-p’ing et al. 2001. Pringceton University Press; ISBN: 0-691-09048-